Tag: Arctic Security Science

  • Episode 4: Where are we? How did we get here?

    In this fourth episode of the Northern Security Chronicles, and the first of the China Trilogy, host Vee R Doc begins to dive deeply into a specific threat vector in […]

  • Episode 0: Introducing the Northern Security Chronicles

    In this series introduction episode, host Vee R Doc defines the objectives of the Northern Security Chronicles, detailing the first three preparatory episodes (“The Arctic is Under Construction”) and introducing […]

  • Episode 3: Arctic America

    In this third installment of the Northern Security Chronicles, host Vee R Doc speaks about Arctic America, and how the lure and mystique of the region continues to this day.  […]

  • Episode 2: Many Arctics – Why Security Matters

    In this second installment of the Northern Security Chronicles, host Vee R Doc dissects how perceptions created a bias in the Intelligence Community, leading to the mistaken conclusion that there were few if any threats in the Arctic. Looking at the multiple stakeholders, she lays out that there are many Arctics – and why security matters. And she reveals, how a group of scientists analyzed data from multiple sources and identified what appears to be irregular warfare being conducted in our back yard.

  • Aurora through trees

    Episode 1: Perceptions

    In this inaugural episode of the Northern Security Chronicles, host Vee R Doc discusses how we create the world through perceptions, how we perceive the Arctic, and how we make decisions based on perceptions of reality, not reality itself. Looking at the rapidly changing Arctic, she urges an integrated systems science be applied to security that includes different aspects of cultures, economies, and environmental change to create a blueprint to secure our nations last frontier.